Bible Quiz Answers

by Mobjog



The best biblical game in the world

Holy Bible Billion Show is quiz answers. Its a Biblical game of questions and answers that grants the maximum award of 1,000,000 from coins divided into 4 levels of difficulty. In total there are 24 questions divided into 6 questions per level.The object of the game is to gain the largest number of points possible up to 1,000,000 from coinsThe game has 4 help buttons:1-“Congregation” Button-Are members of the Church who try to help correctly answer the question.2-“Cards” Button-This option has 4 numbers from 0 to 3. Choosing a button chooses how many anwers to eliminate according to the number on the button.3-“Call” Button: This option serves the pastor of the Church help in the response, he says what chapter and verse of the Bible this response.A player is allowed to use all of the help buttons once per level. Help buttons are not available on the last level.The “Skip” button follows the same rules as the help buttons.The questions for each level are random and will not be repeated during each game.The game can be stopped at any time during the game. Scores are maintained until the player resets them. Scores can be reset at the home screen.Saintly Millionaire Questions.Corrigido bugs e retirados alguns anuncios

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Wilson Dava

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Tuanny Mesquita

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Gimo Banze

I love it ❤

Elda Fernando

Eu pensava que sabia bastante, mas acabei aprendendo mais.. muito legal o app, pena que as vezes as perguntas se repetem

Phillipe simoes

Muito legal

Samuel Teixeira

Só falta o dinheiro. Hehehehehe

Projecto Supernova